Safety precautions
The current pandemic has slightly changed our operation. The administration and staff are working to
ensure the safety of all students and families entering our facility. It is important that the safety
measures put into place are understood and adhered to, for our school to stay clean and safe.
Here are some operational changes:
Temperatures taken upon entering facility and classrooms
Parents and visitors will only be allowed in the lobby
Tours of the facility will be conducted only after hours, until further notice
Students may wear masks
Health and Safety:
Daily Health Screening at entry for COVID-19 symptoms includes:
Taking the temperature of all persons (children and staff) upon arrival each day. Persons with
temperatures of 100.4 or above or other signs of illness will not be allowed to enter the building. -
Children and staff will need to wash hands frequently (including when entering theï‚·
building/classroom, before/after each activity, before/after meals).
Implement Social Distancing strategies to include staggering playground times, activities,
separate groups in a classroom, and keeping children six feet apart at naptime, if possible.
Children ages two and older may wear masks
Classroom ratios will be adjusted to ensure the same children remain in the same group each day. Groups will be kept together throughout the day.
Playground time will be limited to one class at a time.
Children will be reminded to NOT touch their faces and to wash their hands after using items
that they have shared with another child.
Increased frequency of when toys are cleaned and disinfected (multiple times per day/ every
hour, preferred).
Tables should be cleaned and disinfected before and after each use.
Hard surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected three times per day. Special attention should be paid to doorknobs, light switches, countertops, and restrooms.
Here are some resources for ways to stay safe and healthy during this global pandemic: